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How can I block many seats for Social Distancing rules?

~ 0 min
2021-07-26 13:47

Box Office Blocker

Since 2020 osConcert has a simple way to Block or UnBlock seats in a Reserved Seating application.

Enable Box Office Blocking in Admin>Concert Details>Allow Box Office Blocker='yes'

Box Office Blocker

Blocked seats will appear as grey and cannot be selected.

login with a Box Office account and navigate to a Seat Plan

Click the Box Office Blocker button and you will be presented with instruction - Step 1

Box Office Blocker

Block seats

Select Seat Plans of the same kind and click NEXT

You will see your seat plan

start to click seat cells and they will be greyed out (Blocked)

Block Seats

Click them again to Unblock

That's it! Exit Box Office and you will see the blocked seats very clearly.

This is an easy way to arrange Social Distancing Seating Requirements.

Blocked Seats


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