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Orders Status: What is the recommended set up?

~ 0 min
2020-09-10 06:52

Yes, this is important…!

Your ultimate goal is to allow your visitors to choose seats, register an account (which can be optional) and then to make an order for the products they have added to their shopping basket. Note that ‘Seats are Products’ and osConcert will help you to monitor the products sales or reservations as a visual aid. osConcert can also generate a sales report in the format of an Excel/CSV or PDF file.

For every order we must have an order status. This order status is governed by the payment method. The difference between these order statuses is very important; a 'Pending' status will tell us that we are waiting for full payment to be made for that order and a 'Delivered' status should tell us that payment for that order is completed.

osConcert is popular for its sales of Barcoded E-Tickets in PDF format. Normally, you should only allow release of PDF E-tickets when an order has a status of 'Delivered'

Now you know there is 'Pending' and 'Delivered'. As an Administrator you can update each order accordingly and the results will be reflected in the osConcert SALES report.

While every SHOW that you enable in osConcert will have a unique DATE ID, you can now use the osConcert-report Admin>Orders>osConcert SALES to filter ALL the sales with a status of 'Delivered' and download that report as a list in Excel/CSV or PDF format.

Finally, for every 'Reserved' seat you see in the front end SHOW, each of the seats should be noted as 'Delivered'; anything 'Pending' must be attended to. If you have not received full payment you may consider deleting the order and returning the seats back in stock.

If you prefer to Automate this process we now have a Pseudo Cron in Admin>Orders that can help delete and restock certain orders with a certain status. Example it is possible to have Pending orders be deleted after ...say....24 hours.

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