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Is there a Quick Start Guide?

~ 0 min
2021-07-21 18:43

Yes! ..after installation here is the a list of the important steps you'll need to attend to immediately.

1. Shop Settings - Admin>Shop Settings

Add the name of your store, email, address and especially select the correct Timezone from the drop down menu.

2. Admin Account - Admin>My Account

Make sure to set a strong alpha/numeric password for your Administor access. Other Administrators can be processed at Admin>Shop Settings>Admin User groups

3. Template Settings - Admin>Shop Settings>Template

At the time of writing there are only 3 available templates, Dark , Light and TheEvent based on Bootstrap 5 styling.
Choose one template and open to edit.
There are options to enable Left Column with InfoBoxes, however osConcert recommends staying with a full page design with NO columns.
There are also options to choose a theme color from a drop down menu.
The default template has a Header Carousel enabled may disable that by clicking buttons Headerbar from green to red. Other options are self explanatory.

4. Create your 'Sign Up' form - Admin>Shop Settings>Advanced>Customers

Enable and edit the Form Fields you require. Click the red button to green. Do not disable the Country/State fields.

5. Email Templates - Admin>Marketing

Each Template listed can be edited and you own personal email response can be entered. IMPORTANT each template has a Subject Line and Reply Email Address. You may want to add your own Subject and Email or they will remain my defaults.
You will find the Email receipt in Marketing>Email template>Product Sale and Product Sent the latter is the template fired when a New Order Confimation is sent from Admin>orders.

6. Set a Payment Method - Admin>Payments

If you have a PayPal business account, you can accept payment immediately. Other preferred payment modules are ready to install. Go to your with your Business Email and password and get your LIVE Credentials. (Client KEY and secret KEY) You can also get your Sandbox Credentials too.

7. Order Totals - Booking Fees, Tax, Donations, and Discounts. Admin>Payment>Advanced>Order Totals

When you want to add a feature in the customer checkout process e.g. a Booking Fee (per ticket)
Uninstall ALL existing modules and re-install one by one in the order that makes the best sense. Sub Total>Booking Fee>Total.

8. Design your e-Ticket. Admin>TICKET>Events Customer Ticket>Edit.

You will find a simple DEFAULT template you can edit at  You will want to change the default settings immediately. A lot more configurations will be availabe at Admin>Shop Settings>Advanced>E-Ticket Settings

9. Set up your Concert - Admin>Concert Details

Input your Concert Name, Venue, Date and Time.
IMPORTANT! osConcert Event Dates are now set with DatePicker (Date input) and the Time should be set like this 2000 is going to reflect as 8pm at the Front End. (Specific Date Formats can be set in the system if you don't like the default) (tutorial coming soon)
Set your prices according to color banding. Left arrow, set prices and press ENTER on your keyboard. Activate the listing for Front End viewing. Activate Admin>Concert Details>Seat Plan> Fill DATE-ID with Date and Time=YES if you want DATE ID to be filled automatically.

10. CMS (Content Management) Pages Admin>CMS

Create your Homepage CMS>Homepage ...using the built in TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor. Create and Edit existing Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy DEFAULT osConcert Information.

Finally go to the Front End and make a TEST order as if you are the Customer or Box Office Agent.

Now customers can select seats, checkout and register for an account and finally make their reservations for your advertised Concert.

Be sure to email me with any questions without hesitation:

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